The Benefits of Influencer Marketing: Help Consumers Talk about Your Brand

January 1, 2023 BRKLYN Creative™

The Benefits of Influencer Marketing: Help Consumers Talk about Your Brand


A recommendation doesn’t go as far as a complaint. The reason is mainly due to bad customer services get’s more likes and views on social media. That said, if you have the right product and know your target audience you can leverage the benefits of influencer marketing. Here is the rundown:

    1. What Is Influencer Marketing?
    2. Benefits of Influencer Marketing for Your Brand
    3. Tips for Successful Influencer Marketing
    4. How to Measure the Success of an Influencer Campaign
    5. Use Goals to Determine Influencer Marketing KPIs
    6. Define Metrics to Measure Campaign Performance
    7. Measuring Influencer Marketing Campaign Success
    8. Choose an Influencer Tracking Platform

Critical Questions to Ask Yourself:

    1. Do you have a quality product that can leverage the following of a good influencer?
    2. Can you leverage your customers as organic influencers?

End State:

Your product or service needs to stand on its own before you can properly employ influencer marketing.

The Deep Dive

Spoiler alert, the benefits of influencer marketing is not new. Socrates did not start inspiring young minds through daily motivational posts on Facebook. Don’t be daft, he used TikTok.

All jokes aside, consumers communicated their thoughts on products, services, and events in various ways throughout history. People got the word out from cave drawings to hieroglyphics and from Greek frescos to modern magazines. Influencer marketing is no different. When a family relative says, “you must visit Paris,” you are more apt to take an interest. If your best friend tells you a movie was a waste of time, you might wait until it streams or just read the Wikipedia entry and move on. Regardless, someone is there to influence your choices, directly or indirectly.

Remember, the best influencers are those who use your product or service. It’s time to use their influence to your advantage.


It’s no secret that marketers are eager to build relationships with consumers and influence them to purchase products and services. But how do you ensure that your brand reaches the right people in a way that resonates with them? Enter influencer marketing, an effective method of connecting with an audience and encouraging them to become avid brand advocates. This type of marketing allows brands to authentically demonstrate their personality, values, and story–all while connecting with potential customers. When done correctly, influencer marketing can provide brands with a powerful platform to expand their reach and create meaningful conversations with consumers. It not only helps brands establish trust and build relationships with customers, but it also helps them gain valuable insights into their target market. Although influencer marketing has been around for some time, companies have only begun to understand its potential and use it to its full advantage. By unlocking the actual benefits of influencer marketing, businesses can position themselves as industry leaders and give their products or services the recognition they deserve.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool to increase visibility and reach their target audience. Influencers are users with an established social media presence and a considerable following, creating content that promotes the company’s product or service. By leveraging the influence of these users, companies can create campaigns that reach vast numbers of potential customers (Mathew 2018). This type of marketing is especially beneficial when targeting younger audiences, as influencers typically have a large following of young people who are actively engaged with the content they share. Influencer marketing involves influencers creating posts, stories, and videos featuring a company’s product or service. The influencer will then post this content across their social platforms, organically reaching their followers. Companies benefit from working with influencers as they can reach many potential customers without paying for traditional advertising. Influencer marketing lets companies get creative, as influencers can promote products in unique and entertaining ways that appeal to their followers. In addition, influencers often deeply understand their followers’ interests, allowing companies to reach highly targeted audiences. Ultimately, influencer marketing is an effective way for companies to boost their brand visibility and reach potential customers.

Benefits of Influencer Marketing for Your Brand

Influencer marketing has become an increasingly popular way for brands to reach their target audiences and build brand awareness. It is a form of marketing that focuses on engaging with key individuals who have a large following on social media and other platforms. These influencers can shape public opinion, promote products, and build relationships with potential customers. The benefits of influencer marketing for brands are numerous. It helps reach many potential customers, build relationships, and establish credibility. Influencer marketing can also provide valuable customer feedback, which improves products and services.

Additionally, influencer marketing is cost-effective and helps to create a sense of community for followers who identify with the influencer’s values and lifestyle. Brands can leverage this connection to build loyalty among their followers. Furthermore, influencer marketing effectively increases conversions by giving brands access to a large audience. In conclusion, influencer marketing offers numerous advantages for brands seeking to gain market traction. By engaging with influencers in a meaningful way, businesses can create campaigns that resonate with their target audience and achieve positive results.

Tips for Successful Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly popular for businesses to reach out to their target audience. If you’re considering launching an influencer marketing campaign, a few tips can help ensure its success. First, it’s crucial to identify and research the right influencers for your brand. Look for influencers who have already demonstrated their ability to create content that resonates with their followers and ensure they align with your brand’s values. Secondly, develop clear goals and expectations for your influencer campaign. Planning will help you measure your efforts’ success and ensure everyone is on the same page. Thirdly, create content that resonates with both the influencers and their followers. Make sure it aligns with your brand’s values and is tailored to your target audience. Finally, provide feedback and be willing to collaborate with influencers. This data will help build relationships and ensure they have a positive experience, which will help ensure long-term success for your campaign. By following these tips, you can launch a successful influencer marketing campaign to help drive engagement and build brand awareness.

  • Review Previous Social Media Campaigns and Collaborations For Ideas
    • When creating a successful social media campaign, it’s essential to take the time to review previous campaigns and collaborations. Doing so can help you better understand what works, what doesn’t, and what content resonates with your target audience. It’s also a great way to get inspired for your campaign. Start by deep diving into the analytics of previous campaigns – this will help you understand which posts performed the best in engagement and reach. You can then use this data to create a post that captures the attention of your target audience.
    • Additionally, look at who your competitors partnered with for their campaigns and what kind of content they produced. Recognizing market depth can help you identify potential partners for your campaign and get an idea of what content resonates with your audience. Finally, pay attention to the messaging used in previous campaigns and use this as a guide for your own. By reviewing existing campaigns, you’ll be able to create an effective social media campaign that resonates with your target audience.
  • Choose An Influencer That Compliments Your Brand
    • Choosing an influencer to partner with your brand can significantly extend your reach and build brand awareness. It’s essential to ensure that the influencer you choose will positively represent your brand and drive more customers to your business. To make sure you choose the right influencer, consider their following, level of engagement, and any existing partnerships they have. It’s also important to pick an influencer that aligns with your company’s values and can help create content that meshes well with your brand’s image. Take some time to research potential influencers and look at their past work to ensure they can deliver the message you want. Once you’ve identified the right influencer, create a comprehensive plan outlining what you expect from them, such as content creation, social media promotion, and event attendance. Make sure you are clear about your expectations from the beginning, so there are no surprises down the road! By partnering with an influencer that is a good fit for your brand, you’ll be able to maximize the benefits of their partnership and ensure a successful collaboration.
  • Collaboration: Your Brand should benefit the influencer
    • Collaborating with influencers is an excellent way for brands to gain visibility, credibility, and engagement. It can be a powerful tool to help you reach a bigger audience and build brand awareness. For a collaboration to be successful, it is vital to ensure that both the brand and the influencer benefit. When an influencer promotes your brand, give them something that adds value to their brand. This agreement could be anything from money to exclusive access to products and services. It is also essential to make sure that the influencer’s content is relevant to your brand and resonates with your target audience. By collaborating with the right influencers, you can ensure that your brand is seen by the right people and, more importantly, with a favorable reception. Collaborating with influencers can be a great way to increase brand visibility, credibility, and engagement.
  • Make Sure an Influencer Followers Match Your Target Audience
    • When working with influencers, it’s essential to ensure their followers match your target audience. While some influencers have large followings, their followers may not be the right people for your business. Before you work with an influencer, research and ensure their followers fit your ideal customer’s profile. To figure out who their followers are, check out their profile information, including age, location, interests, and more. You can also look at the content they post and the type of comments they get. Doing this will give you a better understanding of who follows them. Analysis tools such as SocialBlade, Upfluence, or CreatorIQ can provide detailed information about an influencer’s followers. Once you understand the type of people that follow an influencer, you can better decide whether working with them is a good fit for your business. Regarding influencer marketing, ensuring their followers match your target audience is critical to gain maximum benefit from your campaign.
  • Clearly Communicate Your Expectations and Level of Engagement
    • It is essential to communicate your expectations and level of engagement when you are working with others. Doing so helps ensure everyone is on the same page and understands what you expect. It also helps to create trust and mutual respect between those involved. Solid communication is especially true when working remotely, as it can be challenging to keep everyone engaged. Here are some tips to ensure everyone is involved and your expectations are clear. First, set clear objectives and expectations for the project, and explain why they are essential. Second, be transparent about the level of engagement you require from everyone. Third, provide feedback regularly and be open to suggestions from team members. Finally, remember to recognize and reward effort, as this will help motivate people to continue to do their best. With these tips, you can easily ensure that everyone is on the same page and that your expectations reach the level of engagement expected.
  • Use Branded Links to Track Offline Influencer Marketing
    • Branded links are a great way to track the success of your offline influencer marketing campaigns. With branded links, you can measure the performance of your influencer marketing activities and adjust your strategy to maximize ROI. You can also get detailed analytics on the number of impressions, clicks, and conversions attributable to each influencer. By tracking the performance of your campaigns with branded links, you can gain insights into what works and what doesn’t so that you can optimize your investments in future campaigns. To get started with branded links, you’ll need to create a unique URL for each influencer that points back to your website or landing page. You can then distribute these URLs through your influencers’ channels and track their performance using analytics tools. With this data, you can figure out which influencers are driving the most engagement and conversions for your brand and focus more of your resources on those influencers. Furthermore, branded links are a great way to incentivize influencers by offering discounts or rewards for successful campaigns. By using branded links to track offline influencer marketing, you can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and better target your investments.

How to Measure the Success of an Influencer Campaign

Measuring the success of an influencer campaign can be difficult, but it is essential to identify whether your campaign was a success. To get started, you need to determine the goals and objectives of your campaign and the metrics you will use to measure its success. For example, if the goal is to increase brand awareness, then you should track the number of followers, likes, and comments on your posts. If your goal is to increase sales, you should look at the number of conversions and revenue generated from your campaign. Additionally, you should analyze engagement levels, such as the percentage of people interacting with your content and online conversations about your campaign. Lastly, consider using surveys to measure audience perception of your brand after the campaign. Implementing these tactics will help you measure the success of your influencer campaign and provide valuable insights for future campaigns.

Use Goals to Determine Influencer Marketing KPIs

To accurately gauge your influencer marketing campaign’s effectiveness, it is essential to identify its goals and establish a process for monitoring progress. Of paramount importance should always be ensuring that goals are attainable; otherwise, success will not be evident in the metrics used to evaluate results.

You have options. Strategically divide your campaign into one of the three categories: content generation, direct response, and brand awareness. The rewards of influencer-generated content (IGC) are compelling – studies have shown that it consistently outperforms brand-created content in most advertising initiatives. Influencer content represents a tremendous opportunity for brands seeking to leverage the power of high-impact, authentic messages. These can include:

    • Curated and branded images via Instagram
    • Short-form videos heavily popularized and consumed on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram
    • Long-form video through YouTube and Facebook

Evaluating brand awareness indicates how well-known your company or product is to potential customers. Measuring this statistic can use the following benchmarks:

    • Engagements: comments, likes, shares, sentiments, and mentions
    • Social reach: subscribers, followers, views, and impressions
    • Web traffic
    • Press and media mentions

Alternatively, direct response refers to a user’s specific action in response to the campaign. Measuring this can be accomplished using several metrics, such as:

    • Clicks
    • Downloads
    • Subscribers
    • Subscriptions
    • Sales

Define Metrics to Measure Campaign Performance

Set your objectives, then devise metrics that will enable you to assess progress toward them. These should be specific, achievable, and timely; in other words: just like real-life goals. When defining such measures, it’s often helpful to include more than one to gauge success – something anyone who sets out for a mission must bear in mind!

For instance, most companies widely acknowledge sales data as the most reliable indicator of return on investment. However, obtaining a more precise understanding of profitability may be attained by evaluating metrics like average order value, revenue generation, and cost per acquisition. Many marketers highlight the importance of conversions, clicks, and engagement as benchmarks for measuring their short-term profitability.

Despite the undeniable benefits that can be accruing, the influence of influencer marketing campaigns is not only quantifiable in terms of their outcomes; it is also essential to consider how they have affected your brand.

Measuring Influencer Marketing Campaign Success

Once you have defined your influencer marketing goals and metrics, it is time to put everything into action. A great way to start is by choosing an influencer who aligns with your brand and values like yours. In addition, be sure to create creative content that will resonate with your audience and engage them personally.

Choose an Influencer Tracking Platform

You can do everything manually or use an automated tracking and management platform. We recommend investing in a platform that does the work for you to save time, money, and energy. A real-time tracking system lets you monitor each campaign and influencer’s performance.

Depending on the platform you select, it’s possible to observe metrics such as engagement levels, profitability ratios, and total media value. Some are more restrictive, permitting one to monitor campaigns based on metrics like revenue ROI conversion rate; cost-per-click (CPC) impressions; revenues generated; and so forth.

There is an abundance of tracking solutions available across a wide range of prices and quality. Make sure to acquire one that will provide maximum return on investment for your business, or team up with an agency with experience working with industry-leading platforms so they can guide you in the right direction!

Final Thoughts

The concept of influencer marketing has been around for years. Still, it has recently gained significant traction and become an essential tool for modern brands looking to stand out in marketing. If you are reading this, recognize the value of influencer marketing to reach your target audience, create meaningful relationships, and ultimately increase sales.


Works Cited

    1. Mathew, Joel. 2018. Understanding Influencer Marketing And Why It Is So Effective. July 30.

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